"Wanna balloon?" is a painting based on the novel "It" by Stephen King.
My first show (with sculptures) in a converted operating-theater/gay-bar, where I met my first gallerist Joost Declercq (‘t Gewad, Ghent.). We had a rocky start because the first thing he said to me was: "Painting is dead and Picasso is just a regional artist. Yeah, sure!
A visit to the line-art-fair in Ghent, where I got my own booth, again with sculptures. In fact, they moved the whole workshop from LUCA School of Arts, including cutoffs of wood and a lot of sawdust. Very romantic and all. That year I graduated from LUCA.
Unfortunately I also was enlisted in the army and, after a 8 week training, stationed in Westhoven, Cologne, Germany.
Draft of 87-88. 1st engineer battalion, staff peloton (driver and secretary at the commander office).